What do I mean when I say ‘I love you’?

I care about you, a lot. Your presence brings me joy, and I’d like to share that joy with you in a way that makes you feel good.

I want you to be happy. If that means leaving you alone, giving you space, then I’ll do that. If it means moving closer, making more of an effort to be there, then I’ll do that, with enthusiasm.

I’ll do my best to support you in whatever endeavor you decide to undertake, although if I feel like you’re acting in a way as to hurt yourself, I’ll do my best to let you know.

I’m human. I’m flawed and I make mistakes. Sometimes that might prevent me from being a reliable source of joy and comfort and support for you. So I’ll do my best to fix my flaws, or at least work around them, to avoid making mistakes, and when I do mess up, to learn from my errors and try to make things right, because I really, really, really like it when you smile.
